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#define PLAYER_FATAL_FALL_DIST 60// 100% damage inflicted if player falls this many feet #define PLAYER_MAX_SAFE_FALL_DISTĒ0// falling any farther than this many feet will inflict damage #defineğLASH_CHARGE_TIME 0.2 // 100 units/20 seconds (seconds per unit) #defineğLASH_DRAIN_TIME 1.2 //100 units/3 minutes

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Int MapTextureTypeStepType( char chTextureType) Įxtern void SpawnBlood(Vector vecSpot, const Vector &vecDir, int bloodColor, float flDamage) Įxtern void AddMultiDamage( const CTakeDamageInfo &info, CBaseEntity *pEntity ) # define VPHYS_MAX_VELSQR (VPHYS_MAX_VEL*VPHYS_MAX_VEL)Įxtern void respawn(CBaseEntity *pEdict, bool fCop圜orpse) # define VPHYS_MAX_DISTSQR (VPHYS_MAX_DISTANCE*VPHYS_MAX_DISTANCE) # define PARALYZE_DAMAGE 1.0 // damage to take each 2 second interval # define PARALYZE_DURATION 2 // number of 2 second intervals to take damage tweak these values based on gameplay feedback: Static ConVar physicsshadowupdate_render( "physicsshadowupdate_render ", "0 " ) ĬonVar sv_noclipduringpause( "sv_noclipduringpause ", "0 ", FCVAR_REPLICATED | FCVAR_CHEAT, "If cheats are enabled, then you can noclip with the game paused (for doing screenshots, etc.). Static ConVar old_armor( "player_old_armor ", "0 " ) " ) ĬonVar sv_regeneration_wait_time ( "sv_regeneration_wait_time ", "1.0 ", FCVAR_REPLICATED ) ", true, 0.01, false, 0 ) ĬonVar sv_bonus_challenge( "sv_bonus_challenge ", "0 ", FCVAR_REPLICATED, "Set to values other than 0 to select a bonus map challenge type. " ) ĬonVar spec_freeze_traveltime( "spec_freeze_traveltime ", "0.4 ", FCVAR_CHEAT | FCVAR_REPLICATED, "Time taken to zoom in to frame a target in observer freeze cam. cpp file!!!ĬonVar autoaim_max_dist( "autoaim_max_dist ", "2160 " ) // 2160 = 180 feetĬonVar autoaim_max_deflect( "autoaim_max_deflect ", "0.99 " ) ĬonVar spec_freeze_time( "spec_freeze_time ", "4.0 ", FCVAR_CHEAT | FCVAR_REPLICATED, "Time spend frozen in observer freeze cam. memdbgon must be the last include file in a.

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# include "toolframework/itoolframework.h " # include "vphysics/player_controller.h " Purpose: Functions dealing with the player. = Copyright � 1996-2005, Valve Corporation, All rights reserved.

Valve damage type dmg_generic